Sunday, March 14, 2010

March Madness

March Madness is here. For many years I didn't care, but it can be really fun when you have a bracket competition with friends/family.

At first it was just Doug and I competing against each other. We started the first year of our marriage. Technically, we copied Stephanie and Aaron's idea. They bet a back rub. The first year we were married Doug figured he'd beat me easily so he wanted to up the ante and bet six back rubs. He did tons of research and I just randomly picked teams. Guess who won???

It was me!

He was still paying up a few months later when we took a trip to California. That last one sure felt nice after we'd spent a few days walking all over Disneyland and Sea World.

A couple years later during the first round of the tournament we got a HUGE snowstorm. It actually snowed 3 feet. So of course Doug couldn't go to work for a few days so we played Yahtzee and watched basketball games. It was really fun. Usually we don't mix well with board games. He's a bad winner and I'm a bad loser and he always wins, but Yahtzee was calm and fun that time. I couldn't find my pictures of all the snow, but we took this picture of Mary then. Cute, huh?

We decided to forego the back rub bets though and make the whole thing bigger and involve a lot of my siblings and their spouses and a few of the older kids. (It was Dani's idea really, but we put it to work.)

Now we can win THIS:

Yes, I know it looks like the Geller cup... Except of course this one has never been thrown in a lake after we fought over it. That's probably due to the fact that there isn't a lake near any of our homes and the fact that the contest is mostly made up of adults and we can handle losing now. (We used to cry over Monopoly as kids so this probably would have been the same.)

Happy March Madness!!

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