Friday, March 12, 2010

A Charmed Life

Maybe it's fate that Alex was born in March. The luck of the Irish must have been passed down to him by some of his ancestors.

This boy has had many close calls that he has miraculously come through unharmed. The black eye above is the only evidence of injury he's ever had.

On at least four occasions he's taken off down the street on his own. He's decided to take a walk at each of his grandma's houses. (Small towns, no sidewalks on their streets.) Dad caught him once, and passing drivers pointed him out to Uncle Jim another time. Uncle Jim took the four wheeler down the street and rescued him. He went into the garage at our old townhouse and opened the garage door and left. Fortunately, our neighbor was out walking his dogs at the time and let us know he was out there. He even did it again last summer. When he realized he was lost he started crying and some man happened by and helped him home. All could have ended in disaster, but he's still with us safe and sound.

Once he ran out of the hair salon after we all got haircuts and almost got hit by a car. Luckily, the driver saw him coming and stopped.

At the end of Mary's 5th birthday party all the kids were playing with her new toys in her 2nd story bedroom when all the kids started yelling for me. I assumed they were fighting over one of the new toys but slowly climbed the stairs to investigate. (I was really morning sick with Adam at the time.) Alex was standing in the window sill, with the window open, with the screen pushed aside. (He was 2 1/2 at the time.)

Earlier this week we were driving through the pick up line at Mary's school. I usually let him come sit up in the front passenger seat while we're moving slowly through the line (2 mph tops). He wanted to open the door for Mary and opened the door right as I was hitting the brakes. The door flew open with him still hanging on. I think he nearly gave one of the second grade teachers a heart attack. In fact, she was far more concerned than I was. I learned long ago that I could lie awake every night worrying about him or I can just relax and let Heavenly Father protect him. I'd have an ulcer covering my entire stomach lining if I chose the former.

He's survived numerous other falls, accidents, and such.

That commercial from a few years ago said it all with the line, "It will be a miracle if he makes it to 10."

It may have been a miracle that he made it to 5, but we're very grateful. We love our little guy! Who else would tell me I'm the best mom in the world when I get Lightning McQueen safely down the highway at 200 mph on his video game??

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why, but it shocked me to realize he is 5. I had to stop to think and realize that you didn't make a mistake.
    Leah must take after him somewhat. Some days she is a disaster with how many injuries she can sustain. She always recovers amazingly quickly from the pain and is ready to get playing again.
