Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Day Finally Came

Alex got his cast off on Tuesday! He was super excited. That cast had been driving him crazy for too long. It was actually on for a bit longer than necessary because we could not get an appointment any sooner.

I forgot to take a picture while they were actually cutting the cast off, but here are the pictures we did take.

The guy who cut the cast off asked Alex if he wanted to keep it, and of course he did because we can't turn down free junk to clutter up the house, right??

Our appointment was over so quickly that we took a few minutes to look around Children's Hospital. This is a model of the hospital made entirely out of Legos. Alex was fascinated. We didn't get to look around the back side too much because there was a group getting a camera set up for some sort of photo shoot for something. 

They also have this AMAZING marble track there. Sorry for the glare off the plexiglass case. The marbles were pretty big, maybe slightly smaller than a ping pong ball. 

Marbles will fall onto that yellow square below and bounce up into the basket thing above and then roll down through the snake's body. 

The ape's arms move back and forth to push the marbles around until they go into the hole.

Before I took him back to school we went to get a few more supplies for the pinewood derby that's happening a couple days from now. (The plan is to post pictures of that here next Sunday.) Then I took him back to school. We had a pretty fun little date.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad he finally got it off. When we took Hannah to get hers off, we found a bug inside it. NASTY!
