Sunday, July 14, 2013

Cupcake Wars

This summer we've discovered a new love, cupcakes

Mary was somewhat interested in cupcakes when we found (actually given) a cute little mini cupcake kid set at a garage sale last summer. Her first attempt was a big fat failure (WAAAAAY too much baking soda), but the second time with a little parental supervision things turned out well.

Then her excitement waned.


We discovered Cupcake Wars on Food Network. We're a little slow to discover this. We didn't discover it until season 8 was well under way.

Tonight family time involved decorating cupcakes. A great time was had by all. I think we're actually getting better.

You can see for yourselves.

This turned out really fuzzy, but hopefully some of the cuteness comes through.

This one is my favorite. Love that guy!

Fortunately none of us had to take the walk of shame as we got eliminated from the "war," but feel free to vote for your favorite.


  1. What a fun activity! I like the octopus's an octopus, right?

    1. Let's go with octopus. More likely it's just a result of letting kids decorate from a ziploc bag with a hole...
