Friday, July 27, 2012

Alex's Birthday

A mere 4 1/2 months late I'm going to blog about Alex's birthday.

Alex had been planning for weeks to have a Star Wars cake. Unfortunately, we couldn't find much stuff at Party City. I suggested Spiderman, but he just couldn't give up on the Darth Vader candle. So, we ended up with Spiderman versus Darth Vader. The men in the store who overheard us planning this cake all thought it was so cool...

This is about the extent of the decorations he got, but he loved them.

We made Darth Vader masks. They looked cool in the package, but they were kind of a pain and the elastic string that should hold it onto your head was way too big. It didn't fit any of the kids at the party. To be honest, it was too big for me, and I have a large head... Oh well, it filled up party time, right?

We also let them play Pin the Bomb on the Starship game. (That's not exactly the title, but I don't remember what it was called. It was in March remember.)

Present opening time is always fun. He got some great stuff. 

Apparently we didn't get a picture of the coolest present he got. It was a Star Wars t-shirt with some Legos Storm Troopers relaxing and said "Chillin' Like a Villain." To say Alex LOVES it would be an understatement. I think he wore it every day after school and to bed for a week before I made him let me wash it. He's wearing it right now too.

3-D glasses for the pin the bomb game. Not that you could wear them during the game because you had to be blindfolded, but it is 3-D if you look at it.

Alex had a great birthday. I think he's on a countdown for his 8th birthday, however. He can't wait to get baptized and go to cub scouts. Here's hoping I'll blog about that birthday on time...

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