Saturday, November 19, 2011

But, Mom, I'm Hungry!

My office is one of the most frequently used rooms in our house. Why? Because this is where I earn my living so this is where I'm at for several hours a day.

My office also contains the guest bed. So when my kids are hanging around (which they frequently do) it's like the bed is a magnet. They simply can't stay off of it. It's not a new bed or even a somewhat old bed. It was a gift from my parents' house when they got a new bed and moved their old bed to a guestroom and gave us the old bed that was there. (I think they got tired of the air mattress that we had before that.)

Today I told Adam to stop jumping on the bed for what must have been the millionth time. (No, I don't know the exact number, but it's got to be way up there.) His response... "But, Mom, I'm hungry."

Clearly you can't expect a 3-year-old to stop jumping on the bed if he's hungry!!

Good thing he's adorable. So adorable in fact that I think the lady behind us at Walmart yesterday was about to buy him some cheap (yet expensive) toy that they stick by the checkout lanes...

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