Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Keeping My Boy Busy

Alex did morning kindergarten last year. In the afternoon while Adam was napping and I was working Alex frequently just watched some TV... So I decided to put his love of tools of all kinds (even tools at the dentist's office) to good use one afternoon.

Our DVD player went kaput a little before Christmas last year. For a while we nursed it along by taking the case off so you could start the DVD spinning with your finger to get things moving. Once it got replaced at Christmas (Thanks Grandma, Grandpa, and Santa) I decided to see what Alex could do with it.

He only had one rule... No total destruction, just take it apart. Here's what we got.

I'm not sure what the tape measure is for, but isn't that face just the cutest??

 Doug got into the act too... I guess boys of all ages love taking things apart.

Adam also enjoyed the fun after his nap.

So in conclusion... If you want to be the "cool" mom, let your boys take things apart. As soon as the toaster stops working he's gonna get to take that apart too.

1 comment:

  1. That's cool! I remember Todd would take things apart just to see if he could put them back together. Hannah is getting to where she wants to use a screw driver on anything and Josey just wants to hammer everything...THat is such a good idea!
