Monday, August 30, 2010

Back To School

I apologize in advance for the quality of these pictures. On a teeny Blackberry screen they looked OK, but now I see they're a little fuzzy.

Anyhoo... It was pointed out to me today that I haven't been keeping up with my blog very well. I confess my blog creativity (the small shred I had) has taken a summer vacation. Maybe it will come back soon. I admit I like my blog better than I like Facebook. (I could do a whole post on the "joys" of FB. Maybe later.)

So today Mary and Alex finally started school. I think we're in the only school in the country that hadn't started yet. I had good intentions of waking the kids up early all last week to get them back in the habit of 6:30 awakenings, although who am I kidding. It's not that much earlier than they had been getting up anyway. And I was lazy. It's not that I got to stay in bed any longer. I was getting up to work out anyway and to Adam 6:00 is sleeping in... I've got to get that boy trained better.

Alex was particularly excited about school. He barely ate half a poptart before he ran to get dressed. As you can see, he could hardly wait to get out the door. He only has half day kindergarten, which is fine with me. I think he'd struggle going the whole day since he's got so much energy. He was just a teensy bit hesitant when finding a chair, but he wasn't worried at all when I left the classroom. He had a blast. He talked my ear off the whole way home, which is a nice 20-25 minute drive.

And I'll have to take a picture of Mary again later. The one I just tried to put up was so fuzzy you wouldn't necessarily know it was her unless I told you. She's in 3rd grade this year. She's excited, although she was bitterly disappointed when she found out that her best friend was in the other class this year. They've been together since kindergarten.

Adam wanted to stay at school too. We were gone all morning until we picked Alex up so he didn't have a chance to realize that he'll be home alone. Hopefully he'll adjust just fine once he realizes Alex won't be taking away every toy he tries to play with.

I'm excited for school to start too. I love hearing them talk about fun things they're learning. It almost (but not really quite) makes me miss my own school years.


  1. Glad you posted! I'm not always as subtle as I know I should be....

  2. You're just lucky I didn't have tons of work today... For more reasons than just this :) Thanks for the jam!
