Sunday, May 16, 2010

I Did It For Cindy!

Cindy is one of the 15-20 or so women I work with, though I've never actually met her. We all live scattered throughout the country and do everything over the internet. So we just chat through instant messenger and e-mail. While we haven't had time to get to know each other well in person, it's always nice to know I have a friend who is typing about bladder repairs or brain surgery or disc herniations at the same time I am.

For the past several months Cindy's been struggling with cancer. Through it all she still has time to think of others. She even sent us a card when my father-in-law passed away even though she was just getting done with surgery and starting to plan for chemo and all that not so fun stuff we all hope we never have to go through.

There's not too much I can do for her except type some of her reports when she's getting chemo or gets major vertigo and can't sit and type very well.

However, a few weeks ago I realized it was high time to cut my hair. I hadn't cut it in ages and I knew it was too long and hot to survive through the summer. (Hopefully summer will actually come to Colorado. We had snow again last week for crying out loud.)

Pantene works with the American Cancer Society to make wigs for women who lose their hair during chemotherapy. You can read more about it here... Beautiful Lengths

They require at least 8 inches, and fortunately I had 9 I could donate.

So in honor of Cindy (who already has a wig from others who have donated) I will be sending a 9 inch ponytail to Beautiful Lengths to help someone else who is struggling with cancer.

Mary told me I look like Elastigirl. Too bad I don't get to be super stretchy and bendy to go along with the haircut. She did later tell me that only my HAIR looked like Elastigirl so I guess that's why I didn't get the super powers and the fact that I'm not a cartoon.

Anyway... If you feel like letting your hair grow out or you've already let your hair grow out and now want it cut... send it on over to Beautiful Lengths. Or even if you don't have that much hair, I've heard hair is great for cleaning up oil spills so you can send it to the Gulf.

Cindy... You're always in our thoughts and prayers!


  1. Love it! Your hair looks cute! I've been growing mine out to donate to locks of love for over a year. I only have about 3 inches to go! woo hoo! :)
