Sunday, May 16, 2010

I Did It For Cindy!

Cindy is one of the 15-20 or so women I work with, though I've never actually met her. We all live scattered throughout the country and do everything over the internet. So we just chat through instant messenger and e-mail. While we haven't had time to get to know each other well in person, it's always nice to know I have a friend who is typing about bladder repairs or brain surgery or disc herniations at the same time I am.

For the past several months Cindy's been struggling with cancer. Through it all she still has time to think of others. She even sent us a card when my father-in-law passed away even though she was just getting done with surgery and starting to plan for chemo and all that not so fun stuff we all hope we never have to go through.

There's not too much I can do for her except type some of her reports when she's getting chemo or gets major vertigo and can't sit and type very well.

However, a few weeks ago I realized it was high time to cut my hair. I hadn't cut it in ages and I knew it was too long and hot to survive through the summer. (Hopefully summer will actually come to Colorado. We had snow again last week for crying out loud.)

Pantene works with the American Cancer Society to make wigs for women who lose their hair during chemotherapy. You can read more about it here... Beautiful Lengths

They require at least 8 inches, and fortunately I had 9 I could donate.

So in honor of Cindy (who already has a wig from others who have donated) I will be sending a 9 inch ponytail to Beautiful Lengths to help someone else who is struggling with cancer.

Mary told me I look like Elastigirl. Too bad I don't get to be super stretchy and bendy to go along with the haircut. She did later tell me that only my HAIR looked like Elastigirl so I guess that's why I didn't get the super powers and the fact that I'm not a cartoon.

Anyway... If you feel like letting your hair grow out or you've already let your hair grow out and now want it cut... send it on over to Beautiful Lengths. Or even if you don't have that much hair, I've heard hair is great for cleaning up oil spills so you can send it to the Gulf.

Cindy... You're always in our thoughts and prayers!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What's In A Name?

Alex at Aunt Melissa's Wedding. (The hairline gives it away. It's sure to recede again when he's older.)

After I pick Alex up from preschool in the afternoons we have to drive straight to Mary's school to pick her up. During that trip a few days ago Alex asked me, "Is my last name Zander?" While I was pretty sure we'd explained that Alexander was his full name and that we called him Alex for short and that his real last name was Chapman, clearly his 5-year-old brain had not fully processed that info or maybe I need to work on my explanation skills.

When I picked him up the next day his teacher said, "Alexander, your mom is here." Apparently he told them they need to call him Alexander because that's his name. He did say it was OK if I "messed up" and still call him Alex though. PHEW!

This conversation made me start thinking about names.

I come across TONS of names in the process of transcribing medical reports. I typed at least 40 yesterday, and that's not including all the doctors' names I came across.

The following are guidelines for you to think about when naming your children:

  • Don't give your boys girlie sounding names like Iris. (I'm sorry if you didn't get the girl you wanted, but naming your son Rose won't change that.)
  • It's also confusing when you give your daughter a traditional boy name like Randy or Jimmy.
  • Don't name your kid after your favorite band. (Van Halen only works for a band, not a kid.)
  • It's OK if you don't want to name your son after your husband's favorite football player even if not many people remember him years later i.e. Rulon Jones. Yes, I do happen to remember Rulon Jones playing for the Broncos, but I still don't like the name.
  • If you last  name is Richardson do NOT name your son Richard... Let's be just a tad more creative, shall we?
  • Remember that your 4 to 5-year-old will have to learn how to spell their name. If you can't remember how to spell it, neither can they. (As a side note, when they go to the doctor and that doctor dictates a report he'll most likely spell out Smith or Jones but not Jehosaphat or Jmarion. Someone has to figure out how to type that.)
  • Naming your kid Princess or King (or Prince Michael II) isn't as cute as you think it is.
  • Maybe it's not a good idea to give your two boys names that start with the same letter. It's hard enough to remember their names... Trust me. I speak from experience.
  • It's confusing for everyone if you name your twins Anaya and Zanaya. (And under no circumstances name your triplets Caleb, Caden, and Calen.)
  • Sometimes you just have to go with the only name you and your spouse agree on, like Alexander.
  • Sometimes you just can't decide on the correct name until you're filling out the paperwork at the hospital. (Your husband will like the name Adam better after you've gone through several hours of labor.)

I'm sure I've angered everyone who names their kids Prince Jehosaphat Rulon Jones, but I have to call it as I see it.

Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!