Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hope You Had a Great Easter!

As I may have mentioned before... Our digital camera grew weary of the abuse and died. Yes, sometimes Alex played with it, and sometimes I even knew about it and didn't stop it. When he plays with the camera this is the kind of thing you find later...

So I have no pictures of this Easter. So I decided to put up pictures of last Easter because I didn't have a blog then. The kids and I spent Easter at my parents house. We mostly went for a party for my grandpa's 90th birthday. It was also nice to be there for Easter too. My sister Stephanie and her kids made it down also. I somehow missed getting pictures of all 8 kids (well maybe 7 as we probably didn't let Adam do it) dying their Easter eggs, but it was fun.

These are the kids getting ready to go do their egg hunt that Matthew helped me put together for the younger kids. (Apparently being 11 means you're too old for egg hunts. Of course we snuck plenty of candy while we were putting the eggs together.)

Here's Alex out hunting around for eggs. (Yes, his shirt is on backwards.) I don't remember how big his "take" was on the hunt last year, but this year he managed to find more eggs than Mary. She celebrated too much after finding each egg I believe.

Anorther egg hunt picture.

Here are the pretty girl cousins in their cute Easter dresses.

And here's the silliness that arises when you add the boy cousins into the mix. (Aaron, did you teach Josh that pose?)

A good time was had by all. In addition to celebrating Grandpa's 90th birthday we got to celebrate my Dad's 64th birthday. (They have the same birthday.)

This Easter we didn't do anything too exciting. We stayed home and had an egg hunt in the basement. The Easter Bunny also brought bubble blowing stuff and sidewalk chalk. Adam really loves his "colors." Unfortunately, he never remembers to pick them up and bring them back inside so they are now covered in a few inches of snow. Apparently the bipolar nature of March's weather has carried into April. It's supposed to be 70 degrees on Friday.

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