Friday, January 1, 2010


Guilt is what you feel when you mix grape Shasta with your toddler's antibiotics and shamelessly tell him it's juice because he's on a juice kick lately and you want to get him to take his medicine that reeks.

Adam's had a bit of a rough week. Well, I guess maybe it's been longer than that to some extent. He's had a diaper rash for a couple weeks that we haven't been able to get rid of despite trying a few different ointments. Tuesday we were shopping at Target and he threw up all over one of the toy aisles. Good thing they had little sets of sweats on a good sale so he didn't have to go home in just a diaper!

Wednesday morning he woke up with several red spots on his face. By Thursday a few of them had disappeared, but one on his chin looked much worse. So since a long holiday weekend was coming up I called the pediatrician's office. They had me bring him in to check things out.

Turns out he's got an anal staph infection. (I know. Who knew you could get that??) Anyway, he's got to be on Keflex twice a day for 10 days. The stuff smells horrible, and I'm not sure we'll get away with the "juice" trick too many times. Now I really understand why Mom always made us get shots when we got strep throat as kids.

1 comment:

  1. That's not guilt, that's survival. Love your writing style.
