Tuesday, May 31, 2011


(Yep, I'm the little blonde cutie in the back sucking on a squirt bottle.)

So just to prove we haven't died I thought I'd do another blog post.

Just to shake things up we thought we'd start summer off with a bang, well really more of cough with a headache, sore throat, and a fever...

Yep, we're all sick over here. Except Doug. He somehow escaped all that. Lucky him.

Mary got us off to a good start and was sick twice her last week of school.

Then it was me.

Then Alex was nice enough to get all croupy on me this morning. The doc gave us dexamethasone to use this afternoon so he'll sleep great, at least I hope that's how a steroid pans out for him...

Adam's just a beastly grouch. Good thing he's cute when he's angry, right?

So I hope the rest of you had a great Memorial Day! We celebrated with monkey bread for dinner and a quiet game of Dora Memory. Mary beat the pants off of all of us. (My head was foggy...)

Let's hope the rest of the summer goes much more smoothly and that the weeds with the little purple flowers don't take over our entire front lawn...