Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dead Monkeys Smell Bad

If you're smelling dead monkeys at your house, here are a few possible explanations:

  • You live in the jungle that is potentially toxic, at least to monkeys.
  • You live in a zoo and you finally got the best of the monkey house...
  • Or your kid is learning long division.
Long division made a visit to our home recently and will probably be here to stay for a while. I didn't think I had a problem with long division. I have no nightmares about learning long division. I was actually really good at it in school and don't remember horrendous problems with it. Now that I actually have to help explain it I don't like it. I can't pass my long division knowledge on by osmosis or something. And I'm not a good explainer. So for now we stick to the Dead Monkeys Smell Bad (or Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Bring down) method she was taught in school.

I think we're both improving... At least I hope so. Maybe it's just the exhaustion I'm feeling after the marathon week I've had and the mad hope that something is looking up.

Hopefully someday soon I'll get caught up on all kinds of fun things we've been doing around here, like Alex's birthday and other goings on.